Send Beautiful Flowers Reliably With Picture Service
The Current Reality of Buying Flowers Online
you buy flowers online based on pictures of arrangements that were not made by the florist you’re buying from, and then you are not sent a picture of the flowers that were delivered for you!
when you buy flowers online, you’re buying flowers based on a picture of a flower arrangement that was perfectly arranged and then touched up with a photo editor
almost always, the flowers in the picture were not made by the florist you’re buying from
and what about the flowers you will actually get from the florist
don’t you deserve and need to see a picture of what you actually get?
florists don’t use their own actual arrangements on their website and they don’t send you a picture of what they actually created and delivered for you
See Arrangements From the Actual Florist and Receive a Picture of Your Flowers
why not buy flowers arrangements from the actual florist, not from stock pictures
you should be able to get a picture of what was delivered for you to make sure you get beautiful flowers
receiving a picture of your order helps you avoid bad florists delivering bad flowers that embarrass you
a picture helps you enjoy your flowers and proudly share them on social media
a picture will help you remember the life you touched with your flowers and let you experience that connection always
Picture Service at Florist One - How It Works
all pictures of arrangements below were actually created by Fasan Florist, our elite florist in Chicago
choose your flowers and checkout on our website
when you buy from us, Fasan Florist will create and deliver this arrangement for you
at checkout, you provide us with your email and/or mobile number to receive the picture of your flowers
we send you a picture of your beautiful flowers and a delivery confirmation
we read thousands of reviews from our customers and they told us they wanted a picture of their flowers
when our customers were sending flowers across town or across the country, they were not sure what was actually sent
We Changed How We Serve Customers and Ourselves
we are a national flower service that has been online since 1999 and delivering across the U.S. and Canada, we have been trusted by our customers with over 1 Million orders
we don’t take fees from florists which allows us to choose the best florists across the country without bias
our only criteria is that they are the best florist in town if they are getting an order from us
but how can we choose the best florists if we don’t see their work in pictures?
we understood how our customers felt in not ‘seeing’ what was being delivered for us by our florists
our customers needed to see pictures and so did we to continually choose the best florists
Now We Choose Better Florists and Our Quality Has Gone Way Up
we asked our best florists to send us pictures of flowers they delivered for us, most said yes
many florists whose quality we were not sure about did not want to send us pictures - we were okay with that, we need to avoid bad florists
pictures started coming in
the quality of flowers and the beauty of florist work was easily seen through pictures of their work
many of the pictures sent to us by our florists are works of art more than they are flower arrangements
our customers get to see arrangements from the actual florist and we send our customer a picture of the flowers we delivered for them
we keep rewarding our best florists with more orders and each time we do that, we avoid a bad florist
our customers are happier, they post better reviews and they touch more lives with the flowers they send
What This Means To You
ask your florist if their website displays their own arrangements or stock photos
no matter where you order flowers from, make sure the florist will send you a picture of your flowers
a picture removes the uncertainty about what you’re sending and it takes away the doubt that your flowers were actually delivered
a picture helps you send beautiful flowers reliably without worry
touch a life today, send flowers with Florist One and get a picture to remember and share the experience