Peace & Light Hanukkah Bouquet
Peace & Light Hanukkah Bouquet

Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Lights, so what better way to brighten up the holidays than with the Peace & Light Hanukkah Bouquet! Pure white roses, carnations and Peruvian Lilies come accented with vibrant blue hydrangea and lush greens to create a truly unforgettable seasonal bouquet. Nestled in a blue glass cubed vase, this is the perfect way to spread some cheer this holiday season!

  • Item No. B19-5143
  • Approximate Size: 8"h x 8"w

  • Flowers are hand-delivered by a local florist
  • Same day delivery is available for orders placed before 1:00 PM in the recipient’s time zone
  • A single delivery charge of $19.99 is applied to all orders.
  • Deliveries are made Monday to Saturday. We do not deliver on Sundays or holidays.
  • We accommodate requests for specific delivery times when we are able to do so
  • Items featured may vary depending upon availability

  • We send you an order confirmation by text and email
  • If you need help with your order, you can reply to the confirmation or phone us.
  • We strive to reply to all inquiries as soon as possible.
  • Most often, we reply in less than 20 minutes, and 90% of the time, in less than an hour


Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Lights, so what better way to brighten up the holidays than with the Peace & Light Hanukkah Bouquet! Pure white roses, carnations and Peruvian Lilies come accented with vibrant blue hydrangea and lush greens to create a truly unforgettable seasonal bouquet. Nestled in a blue glass cubed vase, this is the perfect way to spread some cheer this holiday season!

  • Item No. B19-5143
  • Approximate Size: 8"h x 8"w

  • Flowers are hand-delivered by a local florist
  • Same day delivery is available for orders placed before 1:00 PM in the recipient’s time zone
  • A single delivery charge of $19.99 is applied to all orders.
  • Deliveries are made Monday to Saturday. We do not deliver on Sundays or holidays.
  • We accommodate requests for specific delivery times when we are able to do so
  • Items featured may vary depending upon availability

  • We send you an order confirmation by text and email
  • If you need help with your order, you can reply to the confirmation or phone us.
  • We strive to reply to all inquiries as soon as possible.
  • Most often, we reply in less than 20 minutes, and 90% of the time, in less than an hour